Saturday, 6 April 2013

The Meaning Of Panda

A panda bear walks into a restaurant. He orders the special and eats it. After eating, he pulls out a pistol, kills the waiter and starts to walk out the door.

The owner of the restaurant says, “Hey, what are you doing? You come in here, y...ou kill my waiter and walk away without saying a word. I don’t understand.”

The panda says, “Look it up in the dictionary,” and walks out of the door.

So the owner gets out a dictionary and looks under the heading “Panda”. It reads:

“Panda black and white animal; lives in central China; eats shoots and leaves.”

Image courtesy:cartoondollemporium
text courtesy:.jokesduniya

Blind Beggar

Husband : Why did you give so much money to the beggar who was pretending to be blind?

Wife : Didn't you hear his good words to me?

Husband : No, what did he say?

... Wife : He said that I was so kind, so pretty and so young.

Husband : Oh, I see. He's really blind.

Dispenser Of Life

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