If you are already married, you will relate to this list. In case you are not, there are some moments that you might want to avert! So, take a look:
1. Awkward kiss
The awkward kiss tops the list, and is experienced by almost everyone who is married. The awkward moment when you are about to kiss your partner, she/he suddenly moves and you plant the kiss on the nose instead. There are so many variations to the moment; each of you might have experienced some version of it sometime or other.
2. Loud fart
Oops! Another very common awkward moment is when you fart really loud. It just gets more embarrassing when you are in a more intimate position with your spouse, especially in the beginning stages of your marriage. However, as you continue living with your spouse, in happiness or despair or those farting moments, such moments don’t seem awkward anymore. Read more after the cut.
3. Called the wrong name
Calling out your spouse by an ex’s name is not only one of the most awkward moments, but also a major goof up that you can make. The scenario can be even worse, if you do it while making out. In fact, such a moment is downright catastrophic!
4. A walk in the toilet
The relationship that a husband and wife share is definitely quite intimate. But, your spouse walking in the toilet, while you are using it, could be an awkward moment for both of you. This is one visual aid that you would definitely not want in your memory banks. Keep doors locked well and save yourself from the embarrassment.
5. Kids march in during make-out session
So you are not only married, but also have kids. That does not mean that romance is dead. However, a kid marching in while you are making out passionately is a definite awkward moment. So, make sure you have complete privacy before indulging in some steamy action!
6. The in-law talk
Imagine, you walk right into the house foul-mouthing your in-laws to your spouse, thinking she/he is the only one in there. But, you are unpleasantly surprised, or rather shocked to see your in-law emerging from nowhere into the hall. Bingo! I guess, 'speechless' can be the only reaction in such a scenario.
Really akward indeed.